Thursday, September 3, 2015

Week 1- Who We Are

We had a very busy and eventful first week of Kindergarten! The students spent a lot of time getting adjusted to a new teacher, classroom, activities and routines!

The students enjoyed their first PMP lessons! This week we spent time outside working on balancing and climbing! The students had a great time!

The students also visited the library this week! In the library they learned about the rules for borrowing books! Each student selected 5 books each to put in our classroom library. The students also enjoyed making their own personalized bookmarks.

For the next 5 weeks our classroom theme is ,Who We Are, which is an inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values. This week the students listened to the story, Little Gorilla. The book follows a little gorilla from when he is a baby to when he grows up. The book reflects both the feelings and emotions of the little gorilla as well as those of his friends and family.

We then asked the students to reflect back on changes that they have been through. For our 'show and tell' activity this week the students were all asked to bring in a picture of themselves as a baby. Each student had the opportunity to present their picture. The students explained how they were different from when they were a baby. The students really enjoyed having the opportunity to share and to talk about themselves!


We continued our inquiry in the nature of the self by discussing what counties we are all from. Each student told us what country their parents are from while the teacher helped point it out on the map. There is now a map displayed in our classroom so that the students will gain a stronger sense of where they are from in the world, as well as a better understanding of where their peers are from.

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