Thursday, May 19, 2016

Week 31- How We Organize Ourselves

This week we started our new unit, How We Organize Ourselves. In this Unit the students will focus on the central idea of how communities make efforts to create transportation systems to meet their needs. In this unit we will largely focus on local transportation systems and how we use them in our daily lives. Additionally, we will inquire about how transportation systems have evolved over time.
This week the topic was introduced by inquiring on all the different ways JIES children get to school. The students illustrated and wrote about the method of transportation they use to get to school.

In math we have begun inquiring on the concept of heavy vs. light. The students have been comparing different weights all we. Most appear to have a excellent grasp on the concept already

The students have also spent a larger portion of the week preparing for Undokai. The students have practiced for hours. I am sure all of you will be impressed on the big day.

Have a great weekend.

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